

Since social networking has become popular, my social networks have increased dramatically. It used to be that the changes I made in my teaching were limited to professional development that my district provided or books that I would happen across in the bookstore. Now I am constantly learning new ideas that can be implemented in […]


I think that people have a basic interest to solve their own problems but realize that they would be more efficient if they work with others. We are competitive by nature. I see this in my students when I give an assignment. The immediate reaction is covering up their work because they do not want […]

Explanations or Driving Forces?

While reading the discussion between Bill Kerr and Karl Kapp, it seemed to me that both authors have interesting contributions. I agree with both authors. Learning theories are not all encompassing. Theories are to be taken in pieces and applied when necessary. I see theories as being two fold. On one end, they explain how […]

Blogs I commented on….

Role of Learning Theory in Educational Technology

I believe that people learning best when they are actively involved in their learning. When students are engaged, they can find new ways to connect to their learning, and they build bridges from their old ways of thinking to the new information they are learning. Students who are passive really are not involved in their […]

Final Project

Module 5 responses

Module 5

ConceptMapLoganS   In terms of experience I believe that I am on the static end of this continuum. As an elementary school teacher many things are blocked by our county we are not able to participate in many of the dynamic tools we have. I can see how wikis, blogs, and web conferencing can be […]

Module 4 Graphic Organizer

Blog 4 Graphic Organizer   When presenting material in a course online, it is important for the content to be easily accessible to the students. When gathering and organizing material it should be presented in formats that will allow students to understand the information. Sometimes a particular subject matter must be presented two or three […]

StoryBoard Responses   EDUC-7102 Module 3 Storyboard